Best Moment Award

To my great surprise I have been nominated for the Best Moment Award!

As it’s my first nomination for an award, I hope I did not get anything wrong (if I did, it was unintentionally!)

RULES of the Best Moment Award:

Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech. This could be written or video. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awards! The re-post should include a NEW set of people/blogs worthy of the award; and, winners, notify them the great news!


  • What makes a good acceptance speech?Get an idea from the great acceptance speeches, compiled in
    • Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way
    • Humour. Keep us entertained and smiling
    • Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives
  • Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in


I would like to thank chandanimane (grazie!) who nominated me for this award, which makes me feel really honored. As I state in my ‘About’ page, I am a frequent traveller and even if I like thinking of myself as a world citizen I am — and feel — thoroughly Italian (even though an atypical one). I am not denying that pizza, mandolino, spaghetti, mafia, Leonardo, Valentino, Prada and Chianti wine (well, not necessarily in this order) made our country famous in the world and that — to a certain extent — they represent a part of Italy. As well as I don’t deny that a traveller visiting Italy should not miss the Sistine Chapel in Rome, the Uffizi in Florence, or the Canal Grande in Venice. My point (and my ambition too) is that of helping you to get to know the real Italy (as seen from the heart).

Special thanks to our Food & Wine expert, Walter, to my followers and to all of you out in the blogosphere. Thank you for sharing your ideas, pictures, memories, points of view, recipes, tips, experiences, in one word (actually two) ‘your life’! through your blogs. Our regional great poet, Giacomo Leopardi, could write today that the blogoshpere is a ‘social catena’ (a supportive bond between human beings).

A funny note in the end. The words by Giacomo Leopardi that I quoted (‘social catena’, i.e. a supportive tie between human beings) come from a beautiful poem called ‘La Ginestra’ (‘The Broom’).  ‘Broom’ – obviously – is to be intended botanically but I feared of being misunderstood as – according to Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers – the first definition of ‘broom’ is: an implement for sweeping consisting of a long handle to which is attached either a brush of straw, bristles, or twigs, bound together, or a solid head into which are set tufts of bristles or fibres! Of course, this kind of brooms have their raison-d’être and a very practical use too, but – you see – misleading people into thinking of this kind of broom as ‘a supportive bond between human beings’ was a chance I did not feel like taking!

My nominees are:

The Artisan of Flavour



Travel with intent


Un paese e cento storie

Weird Music History


My Fancy Pantry

101 Books

Congrats to all!


  1. Thank you Simona. I am pleased you enjoy my blog and I am honoured to receive the Best Moment Award. It will take me a little while, but I will accept and pass on. Thank you again. Debbie at Travel with Intent

  2. Hello, Simona! Congratulations on your blog’s award, and thank you so much for nominating mine! You really have a wonderful blog here. I’ve never been to Italy, but I’m hoping to change that soon! 🙂

    • Hi Shari. Thank you for your kind words. I’ll keep looking for recipes (spicy ones!) in yuor lovely blog and try them ‘on the field’. Walter is the ‘chef’ at home, especially when it comes to exotic food! However, I’ll try to surprise him 🙂

  3. Hi Simona, Congratulations on your award. Your blog looks wonderful. I stopped by to say thanks for following my blog. My husband’s family is Italian on both sides. I look forward to becoming better acquainted through our blogs as the year progresses. 🙂 Marsha Ingrao 🙂

  4. Hello Marsha. Thank you for your kind words. I surely wish to keep up with you. I wonder where the parents of your husband came from (what region, I mean). Who knows, maybe they were from Marche region (where I live) 🙂

  5. […] would all gather and help the owner of the cornfield to harvest (for free, of course, remember the ‘social catena’ of my latest post?). So, the family owing the land would organize a feast for all those who helped […]

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